Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Here's How To Powerfully Get Started

  2. 2
    • Welcome and Program Orientation

  3. 3
    • How To Add 1000 Ideal Clients To Your Audience In 90 Days

    • Ideal Client Avatar

    • Your Winning Listbuilding Mindset (‘Calculate the Value of Your List’ exercise is here)

  4. 4
    • How to Craft Your 6-Figure Talk, Step By Step

    • The 6-Figure Signature Talk Content Formula

    • How to Make Your Offer

    • How To Get Booked

    • Turn One Talk Into Many: How to Generate Referrals At Every Talk

  5. 5
    • Irresistible Free Offers

    • Client Attraction on Autopilot: A Super-Simple Funnel To Get Breakthrough Sessions from Your Website

  6. 6
    • Principles of Magnetic Communication

    • Intro to Magnetic Messaging

    • Your Highest Level Messaging Blueprint

    • More Examples of Highly Persuasive Messages, PLUS: Putting It All Together

    • A Deep Dive Into Positioning: Creating Demand and Overcoming Objections In Advance

  7. 7
    • How To Become Magnetic To Powerful JV Partners

    • How To Approach Potential Partners (So They Want To Promote You)

    • How To Have A Powerful Conversation With A Potential Partner

    • Secrets To Generating Referrals, Repeat Business And Raving Fans

    • Setting Up Your Referral System

  8. 8
    • Million Dollar Social Media Posts

    • Raising The Money Consciousness of Your Community

    • Elizabeth’s Brain Re-Wiring Process

    • Spiritual Millionaire Money Codes: 100+ Money Beliefs for Money, Abundance, and Alignment

    • Future Money Master Experiential Process (Meditation)

    • Future Money Master Experiential Process (Teaching)